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About Boona

On May 21,1984 the up and coming rap artist/ entertainer, Boona, was born Stephon Scott in the small town of Bogalusa, Louisiana. Life was constant struggle but Boona kept his determination to not only survive, but make it in a small town known for it's big problems. Boona learned at a young age how to keep money in his pockets and accept life for what it is. Growing up he saw a lot, struggled a lot, didn't have much, but regardless of what the statistics said - it was his life and it will always be good. Boona believes to get through this life in everything you do, be productive with it, be smart, and never take anything for granted. Self-motivated by his personal life experiences, from blessings to tragedy, Boona realized he had a lot to say with a desire to be heard. This realization came with enough motivation to begin his professional rap career, quickly gaining the support of loyal fans throughout the nation. In 2009, Boona began writing lyrics, experimenting with different sounds and beats, and creating Loon Entertainment making it official in 2011.

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